What are Cookies?

By Unknown - Monday 3 November 2014 No Comments
Do you often surf in the internet then you definitely heard about cookies. When we are going into websites they are making cookies in our computer. Most times they made for memorized user preferences of our computers. Let’s see how it happened.
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Once we entered to a website we logged into their server. Then the server search that we are having previous cookies in our computer. If there are some cookies then the server would know about those cookies. Therefore the server can upload the website as our preferences. If there are not cookies then the server would make a new cookie and put new data into it. There is not want our permission to do that procedure. So how can we know about the cookies those we don’t know in our hard drive?
If we are using Google chrome there would be in Google chrome options and there is a option called under the hood and there is a tab called show cookies. When we click it we can see our cookies. If we are using Mozilla Firefox it would be under options tab called privacy then we can see cookies.
There are some rumors out in the society that there are some viruses are coming with cookies. It is completely wrong. But there is something to fear about cookies because in cookies they know about us and know what we are doing. Those things are known by the server. What happened if they give those in formations to others? In advertising firm those information are very important for them. It is harm for their privacy when that information went out. There is an advantage for website from cookies; it is we can see how many visitors that logged into the website. Once we made a new cookie that means a new visitor.

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